Thursday, December 6, 2007


Dear Bro-sky!
A Room of One’s Own is probably one the silliest required readings I've had to date. It starts off with the main character, Mary, contemplating over the place women have in fiction. We all know that women are considered lesser citizens. From day to day life on campus, she feels inferior to men. She talks about how angry is makes her that men some kind of power over the considered fairer sex. But her solution is that women should have a room of their own to be better writers. I think that's ridiculous. She's further dividing the two sexes. She isn't asking for equality, but a handicap. I probably won't like the rest of this book at all. Nicky, if you ever date a girl, make sure she's like not this. Make sure she isn't a childish whiner, that believes the steps to equality between men and women means giving women special privileges. If people like Mary truly want to be seen as something more than eye-candy and cooks, then they need to be prepared to take on what a man does.
How are the pets? How's mom? haha
Amy G!

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