Thursday, December 6, 2007

HW 27: Letter to Riverbend.

Dear Riverbend,
I'm taking a writing class at Keene State College in New Hampshire, and we just started reading your published blog, "Baghdad Burning". I'm really excited about it so far. It was very brave of you to put this out there, because of the criticism you may receive, and certain groups of people trying to stop you from having your voice heard.
You're style of writing is very stimulating and keeps readers intrigued. Normally any information we receive on the war in Iraq are just cold statistics or biased views from people who don't even know what their talking about it. What I like the most about your blog is that it's not involved with politics, it's your life. That's something people can relate to and take seriously. I think it's phenomenal that you're giving people this opportunity to have a first-hand account of the devastation through you.
Also, as horrible as this seems, most Americans have the wrong idea about Iraq. They think that everyone over there are heartless, uneducated monsters of some sort. Your blog proves them all wrong. It's something that I strongly believe: we're all people, we're all the same, we're all one.
Thank you so much, sister! And I can't wait to read the rest!
Amy G!

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